
World of warships aiming guide
World of warships aiming guide

world of warships aiming guide

The more complicated situation is when an enemy ship is heading towards/ away from you at a slower pace while heading near parallel to your own path. Again, this is normally either a first-time hit, or requires very little extra aiming to get the shots landing cleanly on the deck of the enemy ship. (This is normally ~2/3rds up of the tallest tower on the ship). In the mirrored situation, where an enemy is heading directly away from you, i've generally seen the correct lead aim to be the bridge of the ship. This is normally enough lead for most ships, (given the range they're spotted at) to land on-target first time, or be extremely close with very little need for adjustments. If an enemy ship is heading directly towards you, the easiest way to range your shots to hit on-target is to aim slightly in-front of their bow. However be aware, you will also need to give a lead-aim depending on the speed of the enemy ship (see further into the guide), as well as the direction in which the ship is coming. To accurately range your shots, you will need to match up the range of your point of aim with the range to the enemy target as closely as possible. This results in extra information being shown on the screen to you, including the range to the enemy target, the range to your current point of aim, and the travel time of your shells to reach the point of aim. Having selected your target using the "X" key, you can then press "Alt". There is a simple tool which you can use to judge the distance of your target, and accurately range in on the target in the first salvo. Judging the range of a target & Basics of combat Throughout this guide i aim to support you in these matters to make sure that you're as effective as possible in the oceans! Additionally, many destroyer and cruiser players can panic in difficult situations, mis-judging their lead aim with torpedoes and denies them of that last kill. The purpose of this guide is to support players of all abilities and areas of experience to improve their skills and better their in-game performance! Many players agree that it's extremely hard to hit enemy ships at long-extreme ranges reliably, and will often take some time to range their shots in to the target.

World of warships aiming guide